Pram to Primary
7 Week Course for Parents with children aged 0-6 yrs
This simple and fun 7-week course will help you to parent your 0-6 year old children and give you new skills and approaches to deal with some misbehaviour.
Whether you're encountering behaviours you don’t like, or you just simply would like to learn how to be more encouraging and spend quality time with your children, this simple yet effective course is for you.
It will help you to understand your children better and deal with misbehaviours in a more effective and respectful way. You will be able to enjoy seeing your children grow up content, confident and respectful to others. Plus you will get to spend time with other parents in similar situations and pick up tips from each other.
The course covers the following themes/subjects:
Behaviour you don’t like
How to deal with misbehaviour. We will look at why children misbehave and the negative approaches parents mistakingly take (authoritarian / permissive) as well as looking at better ways of dealing with misbehaviour.
Encouraging your child
How looking for effort rather than perfection and noticing the value of a child’s small contributions whilst avoiding insincere over-the-top praise can help a child to become more confident.
Talking with your child
How to talk positively, and respect children’s rights using “I messages” to communicate about problems.
How to discipline your child effectively through giving them limited choices and allowing them to live with the consequences. If consequences need to be applied, we will also look at how to allow consequences to flow naturally from the offence.
Quality time
We will look at the importance of making time for children, the importance of play and the positive impact of attention and touch in creating special moments with your child.
To attend our next course, complete the form above or call us on 0113 212 7560.
‘Pram to Primary’ is a Family Caring Trust’s evidence based course, as recommended by Leeds City Council’s Family Support and Parenting Team.